A multidisciplinary approach to study protocadherin 19: from neuronal function to the “cellular interference” pathogenic mechanism


Project data

Funding entity: Italian Ministry of University and Research

Call: PRN 2017


UNISI Principal Investigator: Elisa Frullanti

Department: Medical Biotechnologies

Start date: 29 August 2019 – End date: 29 August 2023



The aim of the project is to apply the CRISPR/cas9 gene editing technology for the treatment of neurodevelopment disorders caused by the “cellular interference” mechanism due to mutations in PCDH19 gene, for which there are currently no treatments. To this aim, this project plans to act on the molecular cause of the disease by correcting cellular interference through the use of the innovative CRISPR/Cas9 “gene editing” technology, both in-vitro and in-vivo.


This project has received funding from Ministry of University and Research (MUR) – PRIN 2017