MSCA Doctoral Networks 2023 -Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions

New 2023 Call published on May 30th, 2023

Deadline for submitting proposals on November 28th, 2023


The Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions – MSCA are the EU flagship programme for doctoral and postdoctoral training, equipping researchers with new knowledge and skills through mobility across borders and exposure to different sectors and disciplines. By doing so, they enhance the visibility and attractiveness of these organisations, not only across the European Research Area (ERA) but also worldwide. MSCAs will also contribute to the orientations identified in the Horizon Europe strategic plan


MSCA Doctoral Networks will implement doctoral programmes, by partnerships of universities, research institutions and research infrastructures, businesses including SMEs, and other socio-economic actors from different countries across Europe and beyond. These doctoral programmes will respond to well-identified needs in various research and innovation areas, expose the researchers to the academic and non-academic sectors, and offer research training, as well as transferable skills and competences relevant for innovation and long-term employability.


Types of Doctoral Networks:

Doctoral Networks implement doctoral programmes, by partnerships of universities, research institutions and infrastructures, businesses including SMEs, and other socio-economic actors from different countries across Europe and beyond.

Besides standard Doctoral Networks, incentives have been introduced to promote two specific types of doctorates as well.

  1. Industrial Doctorates. They train PhD candidates who wish develop their skills and step outside academia, in particular in industry and business. Individual participants must be enrolled in a doctoral programme and jointly supervised by the academic and non-academic partners.
  2. Joint Doctorates. They provide a highly integrated type of international, inter-sectoral and interdisciplinary collaboration in doctoral training leading to a joint doctoral degree or multiple doctoral degrees awarded by the participating institutions. PhD candidates must be enrolled in a joint programme and be jointly supervised.

Researchers funded by Doctoral Networks

  • must not have a doctoral degree at the date of their recruitment
  • can be of any nationality
  • should be enrolled in a doctoral programme during the project
  • should spend at least 50% of their time outside academia, for Industrial Doctorates
  • should comply with the mobility rules: in general, they must not have resided or carried out their main activity (work, studies, etc.) in the country of the recruiting organisation for more than 12 months in the 36 months immediately before their recruitment date.