PRIN 2022 PNRR: 46 Unisi funded projects

The Italian Ministry of University and Research awarded 46 projects in which the University of Siena is involved within the framework of PRIN 2022 PNRR call (Research Projects of National Relevance in the framework of National Recovery and Resilience Plan).

Siena is coordinator of 21 projects and partner of 25 projects.

You can read below achieved results divided into three ERC macroareas:

  • 20 funded projects in Life Sciences (LS)
  • 5 funded projects in Mathematics, physical sciences, information and communication, engineering, universe and earth sciences (PE)
  • 21 funded projects in Social Sciences and Humanities (SH)


About gender balance, 21 principal investigators are women and 25 are men.

All 14 Sienese departments will receive at least one grant.


Thanks to PRIN projects, Italian Ministry of University and Research wants to strengthen national scientific bases, also in view of a more effective participation in European initiatives. Universities, in collaboration with each other, can submit innovative and original research projects in any research area.


Read the PRIN 2022 PNRR’s ranking on MUR official webpage.