AUTOPROWIN – AUTOmation, PROductivity and Wage INequality: Firms and Workers in Times of Economic Turmoil

Project data

Funding entiy: Italian Ministry of University and Research

Call: PRIN 2022


UNISI Principal Investigator: Filippo Belloc

Department: Economics and statistics

Start date:  28 September 2023 – End date: 27 September 2025  


This research project studies the effects of the automation process on social inequality through its impact on firm productivity and performance, labor demand and wages. The project’s contribution is threefold. First, it will assemble the first matched employer-employee, panel-form, databank on automation and robotization in Italy. Second, the databank will be used to: i) assess the “bias” of the current wave of technological change (skill- vs. routine-based); ii) identify routines that can hardly be automatized (“bottlenecks”); iii) estimate the effect of automation on the relative demand of skilled and non-routine workers, relative to unskilled and routine workers; iv) estimate the impact of automation on cross-firm productivity differentials; v) assess whether automatization increases firms’ resilience in periods of turmoil (i.e., the 2007-08 crisis, the coronavirus pandemic, the Russia-Ukraine War) through its productivity-competitiveness effects; vi) study whether and how the innovation-driven change in labor demand transmits to the wage gap between different types of workers (skilled versus unskilled, non-routine versus routine) and, definitively, to social inequality. Third, the project will provide novel insights on the nature and implications of the potential trade-offs between industrial policies and social inequality.


This project has received funding from Ministry of University and Research (MUR) – PRIN 2022