An experimental project of the Department of Social, political and cognitive sciences of the University of Siena funded by INAIL
Virtual Reality becomes an ally of workplace safety training in the research project of the Department of Social, political and cognitive sciences of the University of Siena developed in collaboration with INAIL.
The project involves the implementation of four Virtual Reality courses relating to four main phases of the mining process in open-pit quarries: primary cutting upstream, tips to banks, squaring and sectioning, road transport. Each course includes diverse situations with different contexts based on methodologies, on risk situations – for example, presence of unstable masses, worn cutting tools, poorly configured cutting circuits, handling loads in confined spaces or inadequate support conditions – and on unexpected events.
“Modeling by Virtual Reality of an experimental project of training/education on occupational safety and health integrated with processes, referring to the work phase of ‘tipping of ornamental stone benches’ and aimed at quarry workers” is the title of the project.

We asked Professor Alessandro Innocenti, scientific coordinator, to explain what the research project consists of and how virtual reality can help in training.
“The benefits of using virtual reality are mainly related to context reconstruction, immersive training, and tracking and scoring. Risk situations and accidents can be simulated in Virtual Reality and the consequences of incorrect attitudes in relation to safety can be experienced first-hand. Furthermore, training in Virtual Reality does not involve critical logistical problems: VR headsets are portable devices, and if a delivery and tracking system such as the one proposed in this project is used, it is not even necessary for training to take place in-person. It is possible to construct multiple settings and variable contexts in which the user will have to recognize critical issues and risk situations. The possibility of simulating random events and variable contexts makes it possible to train risk perception skills, skills that are fundamental and generally lacking especially in the construction industry”.
What does “immersive learning” mean?
“Sense of presence (perception of being there in the virtual space) and embodiment (ability to act in the virtual world) enable an active (construction of meaning through interaction), inductive and contextualized mode of learning. These aspects are considered extremely important in the main models of adult learning. At the point when the Virtual Reality experience focuses on cognitive aspects and errors of judgment (thus omitting training on action execution), accessible and easily memorized interaction patterns can be used. Interface usability (clear goals, intentionality, appropriate feedback) is a prerequisite for guiding the experience to the optimal state. The subjective feeling of being in the virtual space caused by virtual reality promotes emotional engagement. Negative emotions have been shown to catalyse risk perception training, increase motivation to learn and reduce risk tolerance“.

How are the courses structured?
“Each course coincides with an experience. In each experience the user is in a slope quarry site consisting of several zones separated by castling climbs (scenes). For each scene, there is a different environment (yard, quarry face) and there may be machinery, tools, and virtual operators (characters that can be the subject of simple interactions). Starting from the bottom, the user will have to explore the areas and apply the correct procedure in the varied context (different methods, risks, contingencies). In fact, the user will have to set up, initiate and supervise the various operations (functions) of the procedure. In the virtual environment (e.g., at blocks, tools, characters) the user will be able to activate interacting hotspots and will be called upon to make decisions. In order to complete the course and score well, it will not be enough to know the correct sequence of operations; in addition to initiating the functions, the user will have to demonstrate knowledge of the aspects”.
“The users, from time to time, may have to verify and set up safety preconditions (e.g., require unstable masses to be de-escalated, select type of manoeuvre, move operators away from prohibited areas); verify and require resources, whether material (e.g., check PPE on self or others) or expertise (e.g., verify presence of supervisor, verify proper training of operator involved in given activity); activate control procedures (e.g., request information, make dust-covered markings visible, check integrity of diamond wire protection)”.
And what about tracking and scoring?
“Users choices could have two types of outcomes: increase or decrease in score and simulated accident involving self or virtual operators. Simulated incidents will have a high scenic impact to maximize emotional involvement and thus teaching effectiveness. At the structural level, each procedure is divided into chapters (phases) and tasks (functions). Each task, consists of several possible steps, each of which can result in and events of progress (e.g., accident and game over) and score (increase or decrease in performance score). In virtual reality, progress and performance are measured, but voluntary and involuntary actions are also tracked. This allows you to test learning of procedures and simultaneously test risk perception skills (recognizing and evaluating risks in variable contexts), which is extremely difficult to do in traditional training. Software monitoring generates concrete metrics, i.e. objective and standardized results that can be verified over time to evaluate improvements”.
Images from VR courses
The project is funded by INAIL in the Research Activity Plan 2022/2024 BRiC Call.