The first edition of the University Research Day – GIRA – will be held on Tuesday, October 1 at the Rettorato Palace.
The initiative, an event that the University of Siena devotes to the enhancement of the central role of scientific research in the progress of modern societies, will start at 9.30 and continue throughout the day.
An extensive programme of presentations on cross-cutting themes, with a focus on the applicability of research results: the discussion will focus on how scientific progress can help solve social, environmental and economic problems; from improving public health to developing innovative technologies, through promoting sustainable practices in production sectors.
In addition to the presentation of numerous research projects in various scientific areas, there are two keynotespeech. The first, given by Professor Giovanni Dosi of the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna in Pisa, will address the theme of nature and the ethics of modern science; while the second, given by Professor Sergio Matteo Savaresi of the Politecnico di Milano, will focus on technology transfer in the engineering sector.
In a tour inside the Rettorato will be shown 14 videos made by the departments of the University of Siena, which will illustrate the scientific research carried out by the facilities. In addition, an institutional video of the University will be presented at the opening of the afternoon session, underlining the University’s commitment to promoting and supporting research of excellence.
The programme of the University Research Day