FAITH – A Flexible antibody-drug conjugate Approach for Innovative antiviral THerapy

Project data

Funding Entity: Italian Ministry of University and Research

Call: PRIN 2020


UNISI Principal Investigator: Fabrizio Manetti

Department: Biotechnology, Chemistry and Pharmacy

Start date: 27 April 2022 – End date: 27 April 2025



The COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated how important is the development of rapid and innovative therapeutic approaches to contain and reduce the burden of the disease. This project aims to design new hybrid compounds constituted by an antibody linked to a drug (the assembly is called Antibody Drug Conjugate, ADCs) to specifically target SARS-CoV-2 infected cells. The proposed ADCs will be composed of an antibody (developed by Prof. R. Rappuoli) charged with different drugs, called payloads, belonging to different classes: cytotoxic molecules used in cancer therapy or drugs in advanced clinical trials for COVID-19 treatment (i.e., Remdesivir). This therapeutic approach based on ADC is very well-established for cancer treatment but is highly innovative in antiviral therapy. The ADC based therapy should allow selective delivery of antiviral drugs into infected cells. The use of drugs and antibodies that already passed the clinical trials for COVID-19 treatment will speed up the overall process of ADC application for human use. This innovative approach could accelerate the design of focused biotechnological drugs for any specific pandemic. The crucial expertise for this project is represented by the availability of an antibody; the ability to design, synthesize, and bioconjugate drugs in high amounts; the development of analytical methods for ADC characterization; the established assays for the evaluation of the antiviral activity and toxicity of the bioconjugates.

This project has received funding from Ministry of University and Research (MUR) – PRIN 2017