Accessibility, Enhancement of heritage and Audience development were the focus of discussions and analyses between the world of research and the Tuscan cultural and creative community during the event “NexUs – Culture and Research: connections for innovation” held last December 5.
The event, held in Florence at the Istituto degli Innocenti, was organized by the Regional Office for Technology Transfer, with the participation of Tuscan universities and research institutes.
The introductory panel discussion at the opening of the proceedings focused on collaboration between research and public and private cultural institutes for innovation, providing interesting insights for all participants. Research projects dedicated to the key topics Accessibility, Cultural Heritage Enhancement and Audience Development were subsequently presented.
The University of Siena presented “PDS – a Digital Storytelling Platform” by Tiziano Bonini and Martina Magri from the Department of Social, Political and Cognitive Sciences and “SOS – Under Siena” by Stefano Camporeale and Rossella Pansini from the Department of History and Cultural Heritage.
Parallel pitch sessions were held in the afternoon to present the laboratories and spin-offs pertaining to the day’s main topics. The session dedicated to the Enhancement of CulturalHeritage was moderated by Professor Domenico Prattichizzo, delegate for Technological Transfer at the University of Siena; within this context Federico Salzotti presented the services for Cultural Heritage offered by the spin-off Archeòtipo srl. Guido Gioioso presented the tactile hardware and software solutions of Weart srl, a Siena University spinoff, during the Accessibility session.
Marco Valenti, professor of Christian and Medieval Archaeology, and Davide Lacagnina, head of the Postgraduate School of Historical and Artistic Heritage at the University of Siena, also took part in the panel discussions led by experts in the field.
The event was a good occasion to meet and discuss with the institutions and actors involved, providing networking opportunities and paving the way for future collaborations.