University of Siena Spin-off

Archeòtipo s.r.l.

Archeòtipo was founded after many years of experimentation of the team in the field of archeology and information technology applied to cultural heritage. The entrepreneurial project aims to offer a series of highly versatile services, capable to play the long process of acquisition, processing and diffusion of archaeological knowledge according to the the most innovative technologies and the most modern information and communication trends.

ATS – Archaeolandscapes Tech&Survey s.r.l.

ATS (Archaeolandscapes Tech&Survey) was born from the research experiences developed by the Laboratory of Landscape Archeology and Remote Sensing and by the Geography Laboratory of the History Department of the University of Siena. The quality of services, highly professional skills, and cutting-edge tools form the assets that ATS offers to local administrations, public bodies, private companies, foundations and associations. The company operates within the cultural and landscape heritage sectors. . focuses on reporting scientific research results, throughintegration of channels and languages, to inform, involve and create awaress ininternal and external  groups within both, public and private research and training structures .
It promotes the valorisation and dissemination of tangible and intangible cultural heritage in synergy with the territory, helps public and private entities define their visual identity and to position themselves on the market, in a coherent, simple and effective description of their principles, values ​​and products. .

The company was founded by a researcher of the Department of Chemical and Biosystem Sciences and Technologies of the University of Siena; the shareholder structure is completed by private investors and by LIMA SpA. The objective of the spin-off is to transfer the results of scientific research in the field of the industrial field biomaterials. Biosuma  aims to supply industries and research laboratories with hydrogels and surfaces modified “ad hoc” for biomedical applications. A highly qualified scientific consultancy further completes the offer.

CGT Engineering s.r.l. provides highly scientific, technical and professional services such as studies, research, consulting, applied geology, geotechnics and geoengineering planning, , geotechnical and environmental analysis and monitoring , professional courses organization and management, operational and construction management, supervision and coordination of safety in design and execution in support of the sectors of civil, industrial, environmental and territorial engineering, architecture, infrastructure, energy, information, domotics, occupational safety and health and related analytical, strategic and operational marketing.


The company offers consultancy services in response to the legislative and qualitative needs of the agri-food sector . In particular, the company focuses on: GMO qualitative and quantitative analysis, variety characterization of agricultural species of interest (e.g., olive trees and grapevines), optimization of food production chains.

The company operates in applied scientific research and development, protecting the environment and ecosystems, as well as prospecting and enhancing natural resources in Europe and in developing countries of Africa and Latin America. Geology and geophysics technologies are prevalently applied to the exploration and exploitation of natural resources through traditional and airborne systems.

HYPERION is a spinoff company of the Department of Information Engineering and Mathematical Sciences of the
University of Siena, Italy. Its main business lines revolve around the automation of computer vision tasks in
complex environments, the implementation of advanced Internet of Things (IoT) solutions for outdoor/indoor
applications and the design of innovative integration products with challenging requirements.

Acronym of Indicatori Ambientali and CO2, INDACO2 offers environmental consultancy and communication activity services to companies, organizations and institutes interested in embarking on a path of lasting and sustainable development.

LDS provides a rational design of new molecules of pharmaceutical interest through the use of molecular modeling techniques, synthesis of small organic molecules libraries and biological evaluation by in vitro and cellular assays.

The company operates in the field of environmental assessment in product and process , applied to the industrial sector of energy production and management in all its forms. The services are offered by the company in the province of Siena and the Tuscany region as their main geographical reference sector, perfectly fitting with the region’s  Technological Districts’  strategic andoperational plans of , in particular with the Technological District for Green Energy and Economy – DTE2V

NOXAMET operates in the pharmaceutical field having operational offices in Siena and Pavia. The company offers pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies the excellent experience gained by its founding partners and their collaborators in the last few years of activity in pharmacological synthesis and characterization of potential new drugs.

PetroLogic Synergy is born from the collaboration of researchers from the University of Siena and freelancers working in the field of geology and petrography at an international level. The company aims to provide petrographic and mineralogical consultancy services in the mining, environmental and industrial fields (chains of ornamental stones, raw materials and products of industrial transformation, extraction, thermal and/or chemical synthesis processes).

The company develops Question Answering technologies and, more generally, automatic natural language analysis technologies. QuestIT aims to become a first-order reference in the Italian language QA market.

Santa Chiara Next offers several support services in business management coherent with the principles of social, environmental and economic sustainability. These include support for businesses in the transition to sustainable economic systems, assistance in accessing subsidized financial instruments at the service of sustainable development projects and in the creation of innovative solutions and support for the adoption of technological and digital innovations.

The company was created by a research group from the Department of Environmental Sciences of the University of Siena. The spin-off provides genetic analysis services, applied to three different fields: the agricultural sector (with particular reference to the wine sector), the fish sector and the cultural heritage sector.

The company offers services for the design, development and reliability, availability and safety evaluation of electronic systems and sensors for industrial and metrological applications, as well as tmarketing of their own assembled or developed products..

The company generates secondary and tertiary products from biological waste with high added value such as bioactive products (polyphenols, antioxidants, etc.) for use in the preparation of biocosmetics, functional cosmetics, nutraceuticals and bionutraceuticals, supplements for the prevention of pathologies and new drugs (in particular for diseases of the osteoarticular system, osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, inflammatory and chronic diseases, oncological chemotherapy and new antibiotics) as well as bio-phytostimulants applied to organic and eco-sustainable agriculture. In a circular bioeconomy perspective, the residual biomass can thus be used for the creation of a further marketable product with high added value and can be used for the production of paper, fabrics, bioplastics and new materials.

The company provides sequencing analysis services of exomes, genomes and transcriptomes, aimingto provide patients and medical personnel with an analysis service of sequencing experiments based on the latest data analysis techniques.

Siena Imaging was founded in 2017 and has been incubated in Toscana Life Science (TLS), an incubator for start-ups in the life science field. The company was founded by a research group from the Quantitive Neuroimaging Laboratory (QNL) of the University of Siena to offer neurologists, neuroradiologists, hospitals and pharmaceutical companies the tools for automatic analysis of neuroimages, supporting the study and the evaluation of patients. Siena Imaging entered the neuroimaging business after over fifteen years’ experience in the laboratories of University of Siena.

SiNutriwells activities gravitate around nutrition and sport applied to the achievement and maintenance of psycho-physical well-being.. The company combines the innovative idea of ​​young entrepreneurs with the skills, professionalism and experience of highly specialized personnel in thefields ofnutrition, biochemistry, genetics, sport and psycho-physical well-being. The Spin-Off offers complete nutritional and sports check-ups through the use of diagnostic tests and specific tools such as glycemic and metabolic Holter, as well as the development of personalized food and training plans.

T4ALL is a spin-off company of the University of Siena – Department of Information Engineering. The company’s mission is the development of Information and Communication technologies (ICT) products and services, particularly in remote monitoring systems and assistance for people with chronic diseases or disabilities, through the use of sensors and wireless devices.

The company was created by a researchgroup from the Department of Environmental Sciences of the University of Siena. Its main sector of activity involves the application, dissemination and promotion of quantitative methodologies, based on formal quality assurance procedures, for the assessment, monitoring and sustainable management of the environment.


The company provides isolation, characterization and development of monoclonal antibodies directed against endothelial cells antigens in order to inhibit the formation of new blood vessels (angiogenesis) in a pathological context. The first target is retinal degeneration such as diabetic retinopathy and senile degenerative maculopathy. Since angiogenesis is also involved in the development of other pathologies, including cancer, important applications of the product are further envisaged in other therapeutic sectors.

The spin-offsupplies products and services for cosmetic companies. Products analysis in the cosmetic, pharmaceutical and food sectors. Evaluation tests of products’ effectiveness and stability. , The possibility of customized production of cosmetic lines for shops, spas, spas and third parties. Economic and marketing consultancy services. Outsourced event organization.

Viditrust processes and protect visual information, with particular attention to Information Hiding techniques (and derivative issues) applied to digital, or digitized, images and videos.

Born from an initiative of the Applied Electromagnetism group of the Department of Information Engineering of the University of Siena, its main activities concern: design and construction of antennas for wireless communication systems and special applications (radiometry, remote sensing, radar); radiofrequency and microwave sensors for distance, movement and speed detection; radiofrequency identification systems (RFID); simulation software development for the prediction of radiation and propagation of electromagnetic waves